
Either Way I'm Sure It's HR Inape-propriate

fry futurama literalism similar sounding suffix - 6233556480
Via Reddit

The Must-See Movie of the Summer

double meaning literalism Movie the office - 6399960320
Via The Frogman

Let's Just Hope it's a Page Turner

disease facepalm groan-inducing lolwut similar sounding suffix - 5129817856
Via scimoccomics.tumblr.com
Funny and cringey stories from reddit that are completely made up | Official Flat Earth Discussion V New Member HOLY FULL MOON HAD RANDOM GUY MY APARTMENT LAST NIGHT WHO WORKED NASA AND SAYS YES EARTH IS FLAT AND THERE IS DOME. HE SAID NASA IS NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS. KAPOW Yeah, then conversation got weird really really weird but very very interesting | TikTok buying groceries and ran into girl my age and spilled my stuff so she helped pick up my stuff and apoligized but slipped into my

Very Cringey Stories Spun By Brazen Liars

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Put Your... Wait a Minute...

single ladies - 7104324352
Man gifted DNA test for his birthday learns about his real dad and siblings | r/tifu Join u/chabbiedabbie TIFU by giving my boyfriend DNA test his birthday M Edit DNA test 23& health and ancestory kit So this happened back August but he finally got results back few weeks ago. But brace yourselves, this is some soap opera shit. Turns out he has half sister and aunt he never knew about. Both aunt and sister are on his dads side family so he spoke his dad.

Man Gets DNA Test For Birthday, Soap Opera Ensues

At least this one has a happy ending.
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You Otter Beaver-y Embarrassed Right Now

confusion dam beaver otter - 7042472960
funny tweets, twitter, funny twitter, jokes, memes, twitter memes, social media, relatable, funny memes | Uncle Duke @UncleDuke1969 this is like time got new label maker BIG MOUNTAIN | Madimoiselle @drivingmemadi walking into bed, bath, beyond one beyond please cashier explodes

Funny & Fresh Tweets From The Humorists Of Twitter

We're here for the jokes
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These Boots Were Made For... Talkin'?

ahead boots foot go hat head homophones literalism promise - 4650267392
Created by shinykittyco

Quick Costume for Redheads

ginger costume bread - 7198337024
Created by xyzpdq1
jurassic park still but instead of dinosaurs just giant ferrets - thumbnail of cute giant ferret laying down as sam neill and laura dern tend to it funny photoshopped images

'Jurassic Park' But With Ferrets Instead Of Dinosaurs

We'd watch it
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Banana Hammock

banana banana hammock double entendre literalism double meaning - 6898782976
Via Reddit
Infuriatingly bad puns that are just dad jokes

15 Dad Joke Tweets To Make You Laugh And Facepalm In Unison

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double meaning dynamite homophones literalism - 5005418240
Created by Charlie Giessing ( Via giesji.dk )

This Ghost Has the Straight Edge

boos booze homophone ghost double meaning - 6643139328
Via Reddit

Nowhere to Go Butt Up

image rocks puns - 8818669824
Via PatchesOnHand
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